非傳統安全與台灣軍事戰略的變革(參考文獻 )


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Non-conventional security and Reforms of Taiwan's Military Strategy

Wang, Kun-yi

Professor, General Education Center, National Taiwan Ocean University


After the Cold War, the problem of national security is no longer limited to only the traditional fields of politics and military security, now also include the comprehensive and non-conventional security issues. Non- conventional security threat is a“new security threat”; it is an emerging concept of security threat which happens outside the conventional war theater. Non- conventional security threats are gradually replacing the danger and damage of conventional large-scale and nuclear wars, which becoming the main threat of most nations’ survival and development. As a member of the international society, Taiwan cannot absolve from the problems brought by non- conventional security threats, these problems include: the 921 earth quake in 1999, the SARS epidemic in 2003, Super typhoon Morakot in 2009 and etc., all these natural disasters and catastrophes caused serious life and property damages, these also revealed the problems of non- conventional security have already threatened the national security of Taiwan, and the consequence of which is not less than those threats led by the traditional fields of politics and military security. Therefore, this paper is going to analyze the development of non- conventional security threat problem, the type of non- conventional security threats Taiwan is currently facing, and the corresponding counter-measures to these non- conventional security threats.

Keywords: security studynational securitynon-conventional securityTaiwan's military strategy dense tansformation
